When is Summer in Australia?

When is Summer in Australia?

when is australia summer

Picture this: it’s hot as Hades, the air is sticky, and the aroma of barbecued snags is wafting through the breeze. Yep, you guessed it – it’s summertime in the land down under. But when, you may ask, does this scorching season take place? Well, it’s not your typical summer, that’s for sure.

When is Summer in Australia?

Instead of the usual June to August period, summer in Australia starts in December and stretches all the way to February. That’s right, you heard me correctly. December to February. Crazy, right? But that’s not even the half of it.

What month is the most hot in Australia?

The most torrid month of the season? January. You know, when the sun feels like it’s giving you a bear hug and you can fry an egg on the sidewalk? Yeah, that month. But don’t sweat it (even though you will be sweating profusely). There’s still plenty of fun to be had during this fiery time of year.

From wild New Year’s Eve parties to exhilarating surfing competitions, Australia’s summer is packed with excitement. And don’t forget about all the opportunities for outdoor adventures like hiking, camping, and exploring.

So slather on some sunscreen, slip on your thongs (not the underwear, silly – that’s Aussie slang for flip flops), and prepare yourself for an unforgettable summer experience in the land of Oz.

How hot is summer in Australia?

In the land down under, when the sun is blazing and the sand is scorching, the temperatures can be quite a doozy! The intensity of the heat waves can vary depending on which corner of the country you find yourself in.

For instance, in the capital city, Canberra, the mercury hits an average maximum of 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit) during the summertime months of December through February. But if you venture to the tropical north, like Darwin, expect to sweat it out in temperatures that soar past 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) while feeling the mugginess of the humidity.

In Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, the maximum temperature averages hover around a balmy 26-27 degrees Celsius (79-81 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer. Over in Perth, the average maximum temperature for the season reaches a toasty 31 degrees Celsius (88 degrees Fahrenheit), while in Adelaide, it’s about 29 degrees Celsius (84 degrees Fahrenheit).

Bear in mind, though, that temperatures can climb much higher than the averages during heatwaves, with many areas across the country hitting over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

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