About SchoolHolidaysAustralia.com.au
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About SchoolHolidaysAustralia.com.au

SchoolHolidaysAustralia.com.au, founded in 2019, provides parents with school holiday and public holiday information for each state in Australia and comprehensive travel guides.

Our editorial process

Educators to Review the School Holiday Information we publish (including dates and tips)

To ensure we have the most helpful and accurate content, we try our best to get people with relevant backgrounds such as high school teachers to review and edit our school holiday information including school holidays, term dates and parenting advice.

First-hand experience – School Holiday Activities, Latest Events and Trendy Places to Go

We also cover topics such as places to go during school holidays and trendy attractions, we have either been to that place or interviewed someone who has been there to ensure giving you a first-hand experience.