Top tips to choose a school holiday program

Top tips to choose a school holiday program

choose a school holiday program

School holiday programs offer various activities for children during their school breaks. The most common option is the school’s own holiday program, which is similar to after-school care. Children need to bring their own lunch and snacks. Each day, there will be different themes, such as arts and crafts, LEGO, and more. Excursions are often organized once a week.

The advantage of school programs is that most of the children attending are from the same school or local area, so there are familiar faces, and it’s easier for kids to make friends and have fun.

How to choose a school holiday program

For children who are interested in sports, there are sports-related holiday programs available. They can join clubs for basketball, tennis, netball, or other sports they enjoy. Swimming programs, like VIC Swim during the Christmas holidays, are also popular.

Local libraries often organise activities during school holidays. They may have arts and crafts sessions, storytelling events, writing workshops, and more. Check the website of your nearby library for information on these activities.

If your child loves animals, consider RSPCA’s holiday program. It can be quite interesting as it introduces various animals like cats, dogs, guinea pigs, sheep, and teaches animal-related knowledge, including first aid.

Look for holiday programs that align with your child’s interests and hobbies, such as art classes, singing lessons, stage performances, or ice skating training.

For children who are passionate about science, consider Swinburne’s science workshops. They are likely to provide valuable learning experiences.

If any other moms have recommendations for fun and exciting holiday programs, feel free to leave a comment and share your suggestions!

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Categories: School Holidays Tips