Should Kids Wear a Face Mask At School After Lockdown?

Should Kids Wear a Face Mask At School After Lockdown?

Should Kids Wear a Face Mask At School After Lockdown

After the Covid-19 lockdowns, many parents wonder what they can do to protect their children during school. Deciding whether or not to wear a mask is one of those decisions parents will have to make.

Kids should wear masks at school, even after lockdown. When it comes to protecting yourself from Covid-19, a mask is the best form of defense. Multi-layer cloth facemasks are effective and fairly inexpensive. From here, we’ll look at the advantages of wearing masks after lockdown and which masks are ideal for wearing in schools.

Why is it Important for High School-Aged Kids to Wear Masks After Lockdown?

The importance of wearing a mask to protect yourself from Covid-19 is paramount. Covid-19 is an airborne pathogen that can cause severe respiratory issues, up to and including death. Though primary school-aged children are not required to wear masks, those of high school age are. 

It is essential for kids to wear masks after lockdown to protect themselves from Covid-19. After lockdown has ended, there is still a potential for covid-19 to spread.

The masks that are designed for kids to use after lockdown need to be comfortable, lightweight, and easy to use so your child isn’t distracted from learning. The best option is usually made of clear plastic with adjustable straps and an exhalation valve on one side. 

The most important thing to remember is Covid-19 affects everyone differently; some people are more susceptible than others depending upon age, health status, occupation, etc.

Which Masks Should Kids Wear After Lockdown?

The two best options for children are either a disposable surgical mask, or a three layer cotton mask. Check out a local Aussie supplier called CDBS, they have kids and adult sized face masks with both disposable or reusable options. Whether they prefer plain black, or a funky colour, these days there is a mask design that will suit everyone. Another good choice is reusable cloths mask which they can reuse if necessary throughout the day. 

Given this information about how dangerous Covid-19 is to our bodies, kids should wear mask when outside of the home until further notice, especially in areas where corona is more prevalent. Just a note that young children under 14 should not be wearing a N95 mask, as they do not let enough airflow for their strength of inhalation. For this reason children should wear a reusable cloth mask or disposable surgical mask to school and other public places like the grocery store until further notice.

What Masks Work Best for Kids?

Of all of the masks available, there are a few that work best to protect children against covid-19 and other airborne contaminants. 

  • Surgical masks: These are the best options for kids. They’re lightweight and provide a significant amount of protection from Covid-19 without impeding breathing or speech. They come in both adult and child sizes. But their downside is that they are very bad for our environment.
  • Reusable cloth masks: Not all cloth masks are created equal. You want a multi-layer cloth mask (preferably 3 layers). Some single layer sponge masks don’t do any thing much at all, so if you’re going to wear a mask, make sure you get a multi-layered cotton mask.


While there is no perfect solution here, I think we can agree on one thing – if something needs to be done to make sure our children’s lives aren’t put at risk, then we should be doing it! 

Surgical mask and cloth masks are the best options for kids who need to protect themselves from airborne toxins but don’t want their breathing compromised by a bulky mask.

Categories: Health and Wellbeing