Are School Holidays Too Long? The Pros and Cons
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Are School Holidays Too Long? The Pros and Cons

Are School Holidays Too Long? The Pros and Cons

As the school year comes to an end, parents are divided on their thoughts about the upcoming school holidays. While some parents welcome the break and look forward to spending quality time with their children, others dread the long stretch of time with no school structure. So, are school holidays too long? The Great School […]

The Benefits of Shorter School Days

As we continue to see changes in education systems worldwide, there’s a growing trend towards shorter school days. And while some may initially raise an eyebrow, there are actually numerous compelling reasons why this approach is worth considering. What are the Benefits of Shorter School Days? Increased engagement and enhanced productivity When students are in […]

How to prepare your child for going back to school?

As the holiday season comes to an end, children often struggle with transitioning back into their regular school routine. Going back to school after a break can be challenging not only for kids, but the parents. However, there are some easy ways to help make this transition smoother and less stressful. Here are our top […]

How many School Days in a Year in Australia?

Do you know some of the best education systems in the world require students to be in school between 175 and 220 days! So where does Australia sit in the chart? If you don’t know the answer yet we have done some research and calculations for you! Given that the school education system is pretty […]

What Age does High School start in Australia

School education in Australia is for 13 years, students will spend 7 or 8 years in primary school, 3 to 4 years in high school and 2 years in senior secondary education (Year 11 and Year 12). School education is pretty similar all across all states in Australia. Although you should always check the state […]

Best Extra Curricular Activities for your Kids

Kids already have loads of homework to do, so why some parents still let their kids sign up for Extra Curricular activities? Let’s take a deep dive into the pros and cons of Extra Curricular and hopefully this will help you to decide if you should do it or not! We will also look at […]

Why Parents Choose Catholic School? What are the Benefits?

Why some parents choose Catholic School? Other things to consider before making the decision Conclusions Remember choosing a school is a big decision and it will have a major impact on your kid’s life. You should consider all aspects (such as overall development, long term prospects) instead of purely looking at academic achievement. Catholic schools, […]

Best Story Starters and Prompts for Kids

Are you looking for writing starters and prompts that will inspire your kids to fill their pages? We have put together the very best 100 writing prompts for you! These writing prompts can help to unlock your kid’s creativity. They are story starters designed to inspire the creative thinking! Best Story Starters and Prompts for […]