2021 Back to School Tips



2021 Back to School Tips

It’s not only the beginning of a new year for the students. It’s also a new beginning for teachers. A time to learn new skills and an opportunity to make teachers’ jobs easier. To achieve this, teachers need to more thoroughly understand their students, including how to recognise the student’s individual learning styles and how […]

9 tips to remind kids about online safety

Our children are growing up in a world where the internet is a basic essential of life. They do not view the online world as new technology like some of us do – to children it has always existed. Therefore, they don’t approach their interaction online with the caution that we might. They only see […]

Are you ready to grow your small business

Being a mum with a small business to run means that you’re going to be – super busy. At some point, as a small business owner, we must face a challenging decision – is now the time for me to hire my first staff member? Hiring your first staff sounds exciting, but at the same […]

7 Tips For Getting Your Kids to Clean Their Room

Getting a child to clean and organise their room is a battle that is waged in millions of households across the world every Saturday morning. Every mom knows how difficult it is to make a kid gather all those legos or school supplies and keep them in check. When kids get reminded of their duties, […]

Get Your Kid to Talk about What Happened at School

Formula for TRUST and COLLABORATION – 3 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 2  When a child comes home from school and shares their recollection about something that has happened during the day, the parent has the choice of three responses from which they may choose in dealing with their child’s concern. If the […]

Starting School 2021

When parents are preparing their children to start school for the very first time, there are a few areas that parents can address to ensure: That the children feel comfortable with a set of life skills which will allow them to learn That the life skills will allow the teachers to concentrate on their core […]

Things to Consider When Choosing a Cleaning Company

There are several cleaning companies in the market today. This can leave you confused when you want to contract a particular company for a cleaning job. It’s important to avoid focusing on the quotation of a particular company but rather, the quality of services they deliver. Office facilities are valuable; hiring the right firm will […]

Top 5 Water Activities for Toddlers and Kids

Looking to play in the water for the first time with your toddler this Summer? Arrange water-filled play dates with other kids (socially-distanced of course)? We all know what an exciting combination water and kids can be, so why not start planning some fun activities now? In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of water […]

Tips for Effectively Communicating with your Child

Tips and ‘Tricks’ for Effectively Communicating with your Child “Sometimes I just don’t get her” …   “Where did he learn to say that”  “Why does he do that”…  “He never listens …” How many times do we all hear other parents voicing frustration with their children? And, if we are honest with ourselves, we are […]