What Age does High School start in Australia

What Age does High School start in Australia

what age does high school start in australia

School education in Australia is for 13 years, students will spend 7 or 8 years in primary school, 3 to 4 years in high school and 2 years in senior secondary education (Year 11 and Year 12).

School education is pretty similar all across all states in Australia. Although you should always check the state website as there might be some minor differences between states and territories.

What Age does High School start in Australia?

In general, students around the age of 12 or 13 attend High Schools or Secondary Schools in Australia. Students will finish their high school (Year 12) at the age of 17 or 18.

School LevelYearStudent Age
PreschoolKindergarten4 – 5 years old
Primary SchoolPrep/Kindy/Transition5 – 6 years old
Primary SchoolYear 16 – 7 years old
Primary SchoolYear 27 – 8 years old
Primary SchoolYear 38 – 9 years old
Primary SchoolYear 49 – 10 years old
Primary SchoolYear 510 – 11 years old
Primary SchoolYear 611 – 12 years old
High SchoolYear 712 – 13 years old
High SchoolYear 813 – 14 years old
High SchoolYear 914 – 15 years old
High SchoolYear 1015 – 16 years old
Senior High SchoolYear 1116 – 17 years old
Senior High SchoolYear 1217 – 18 years old

Data from official website

Australia School Age FQAs

What age is Year 12 in Australia?

Students who are in Year 12 would be at the age of 17 or 18.

What age is Year 11 in Australia?

Students who are in Year 12 would be at the age of 16 or 17.

What age is Year 10 in Australia?

Students who are in Year 12 would be at the age of 15 or 16.

Is Year 7 considered high school in Australia?

Yes, Year 7 to Year 12 are considered High School in Australia. (Year 11 and Year 12 are Senior High school)

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