4-Day School Weeks – Things You Need To Know

4-Day School Weeks – Things You Need To Know

4-Day School Weeks

Australia’s education system is on the brink of a transformation, bringing about a significant change to the long-standing education framework. For a long time, the 7-day week with weekends off has been a deeply ingrained habit, both in terms of work and study.

However, several regions in Australia have announced the implementation of a new education model in certain public schools starting from the first semester of the upcoming year: The 4-day education system, meaning students will attend classes only 4 days a week!

It is easy to imagine the excitement among students upon hearing this news, as they gain an extra day of rest every week!

Looking at one of the regions making this change, a Catholic school in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales has announced that starting from the first semester of 2024, they will allow some students the right to engage in home-based learning one day a week.

How do the 4-Day School Weeks work?

To opt for home-based learning, students need to submit an application in advance. Once approved, they can choose to study at home every Monday without going to school.

In other words, students at this school can potentially enjoy an extended weekend, resting from Saturday through Monday.

In comparison to New South Wales, Queensland is taking a more direct approach. While New South Wales has only seen one school making the announcement, Queensland has simultaneously announced the initiation of a 4-day education system in a large number of public schools.

Some people believe that the traditional five-day school week is outdated. After thorough validation, the 4-day education system is deemed the most scientifically sound educational concept.

However, the 4-day education system varies among schools. Some choose to have classes from Monday to Thursday and rest from Friday to Sunday, while others designate Wednesday as the day off, allowing students to have a break after two days of school.

Categories: Education