$200 Victorian Children’s Sports (Get Active Kids) Vouchers – Applications Now Open

$200 Victorian Children’s Sports (Get Active Kids) Vouchers – Applications Now Open

$200 Victorian Children's Sports (Get Active Kids) Vouchers – Applications Now Open

The new round of the “Active Kids Voucher Program” is now open for applications in Victoria!

According to the program requirements, eligible parents and guardians can apply to the Victorian government for a voucher worth $200 to help cover the costs of their children’s sports activities.

For example, parents can use these vouchers to offset the fees for activities such as swimming, basketball, dance, or to purchase sports uniforms and membership registration fees – the usage is quite versatile.

Here are some common questions and the application process for obtaining these vouchers. Parents, make sure to bookmark this information and don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Eligibility for Children to Apply

Children/caregivers must meet the following criteria to qualify for the voucher:

  • Aged between 0 and 18 years
  • Residents of Victoria
  • Have a name on an Australian Health Care Card (HCC) or Pension Concession Card (PCC)
  • Possess their own Medicare card (MC)
  • If a family has multiple eligible children, parents can apply for vouchers for each child!

Please note that if your child doesn’t meet the eligibility criteria, for example, they are an international student or a temporary visa holder but aged between 0 and 18 and residing in Australia, they can still obtain the voucher by applying for “special consideration.

Parents falling into the “special consideration” category should send an email to the official address for clarification.

How to Apply/Use Vouchers?

Parents can apply for vouchers directly on the getactivekids official website. The process involves filling in and uploading the required documentation according to the website’s guidelines.

Once approved, parents will receive vouchers worth $200 each. Note: Each voucher comes with a unique code that must be presented to the designated activity provider to offset costs.

Application Period and Expiry Date of Vouchers?

Opening date for applications for the 2023 round: Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 10:00 AM until quotas are exhausted.

Voucher validity: Until Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Categories: Creative kids voucher