The Many Benefits of Being Active and Fit as a Parent

The Many Benefits of Being Active and Fit as a Parent

The Many Benefits of Being Active and Fit as a Parent

Being a parent can be an incredibly challenging role, especially if you have a young child. Not only do you need to ensure that your child is safe and happy at all times, but you also have to make sure you are giving them the best possible start in life by providing them with the right nutrition and other essentials. There’s no denying that being a parent can be stressful and challenging, but there are many ways to reduce stress and challenge yourself instead — one of which being active and fit as a parent. Being active has many benefits not just for your body but also for your mind. It improves self-confidence, stress management, and social skills while also leading to less depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. The more active you are as a parent, the more benefits you get from it. Here are some reasons why:

It can be a great way to make new friends.

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Having kids can be a big change. Often people move suburbs and go through a change in their social circles as their shared interests have changed. Sports and physical activity groups can be a great way to meet new locals. As an added benefit, it can make exercise more sticky, exercise no longer feels like a chore but a way to meet friends, escape the daily grind and have a laugh.

Check out – KeepActive an Australian social website that helps you meet like-minded locals and get active. On KeepActive, you can create or find local activity groups that match your preference – age, gender identity, background, level of play, chosen sport or activity etc.. This could be a local walking group, running club, badminton social, tennis social, hiking group or simple throwing basketball hoops in a local park.

It relieves stress and anxiety.

As a parent, there is always pressure to make the right choices and to never let your child down. Being active and fit can reduce your stress levels by releasing endorphins. These are chemicals in your body that combat stress and make you feel happier. Taking time to hit the gym, run, or go for a walk outside will allow you to clear your head and gain a sense of calm that you can take back to your parenting duties. This will help to reduce the levels of stress in your life and make you a happier and more efficient parent.

It can help you lose weight.

Being active and fit is a great way to maintain a healthy weight while also keeping your metabolism ticking. If you’re a parent, it’s likely you’ve had to put on a few pounds during your time as a parent. This is completely normal and doesn’t always mean that you are unhealthy. However, being overweight can put a strain on your body and increase the risk of many health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. The good news is that being active can help you lose weight by burning calories and toning your muscles. If you’re breastfeeding, you can also breastfeed more discreetly with a hands-free breast pump.

Being active makes you feel better about yourself.

If you’re a parent, you’ve likely felt guilty about letting yourself go at some point. The stress of being a parent can make you forget to look after yourself and make the time to exercise. But being active can help you to regain a sense of control over your life and make you feel better about yourself overall. This is because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel good and happy. Exercising regularly will help to improve your self-confidence, which will lead to you feeling better about your role as a parent.

It helps you sleep better at night.

Being sleep-deprived is something that many parents can relate to. Being awake with a baby or young child can be incredibly tiring and many parents can struggle to get the sleep they need. However, being active during the day will help you to sleep better at night because your body is exhausted from working out. Exercising during the day will also help your sleep quality because it helps your body to release melatonin, which is a chemical that helps you to relax and fall asleep. Getting enough sleep is incredibly important for parents because it allows you to be at your best the next day and gives you more energy for your child.

It can improve your diet and eating habits.

Being active and fit can actually improve your diet and eating habits. When you are exercising regularly, you are more likely to eat the right foods to fuel your body. This is because you will feel hungry more often, meaning you need more nutrients in your body. Being active can also help you to avoid stress eating, which is something many parents struggle with when they are sleep-deprived. When you are stressed, you are likely to turn to junk food to calm you down, but exercising regularly will help you to avoid this.

Your child sees that being active is important to you.

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Children learn from their parents and will often adopt their enthusiasm for fitness and other activities if they see that it is important to their parents. If you regularly exercise, your child will see that this is important to you, meaning they are more likely to adopt this passion for life. Being active with your child can also be a great way for them to learn self-discipline and build their self-confidence.


Being a parent is challenging and can be stressful, but being active and fit can help you to relieve stress, gain confidence, and feel better about yourself. Exercising regularly will also help you to sleep better at night, improve your diet, and make your child more likely to adopt your passion for fitness. These are just some of the many benefits of being active and fit as a parent.

Categories: Fitness, Parenting