Public Holidays and National Days in Tasmania 2026
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Public Holidays and National Days in Tasmania 2026

Public holidays and national days in Tasmania in 2026

HolidayDateStatewide/ Regional Holiday
New Year’s Day*1 JanuaryStatewideSubstitute holiday applies if it falls on a weekend.
Australia Day*26 JanuaryStatewideSubstitute holiday applies if it falls on a weekend.
Eight Hours Day9 MarchStatewide
Good Friday3 AprilStatewide
Easter Monday6 AprilStatewide
Easter Tuesday7 AprilStatewideGenerally for Tasmanian Public Service only.
ANZAC Day25 AprilStatewideNo substitute holiday if it falls on a weekend.
King’s Birthday8 JuneStatewide
Christmas Day*25 DecemberStatewideSubstitute holiday applies if it falls on a weekend.
Boxing Day*28 DecemberStatewideSubstitute holiday applies if it falls on a weekend.
Devonport Cup7 JanuaryRegionalHalf-day holiday in specified municipal areas.
Royal Hobart Regatta9 FebruaryRegionalApplies south of and including Oatlands and Swansea (excluding certain areas).
Launceston Cup25 FebruaryRegionalAll-day in specific areas, partial in Launceston City centre and suburbs.
King Island Show3 MarchRegionalKing Island only.
AGFEST8 MayRegionalMunicipal area of Circular Head only.
Burnie Show2 OctoberRegionalMunicipal areas of Burnie, Waratah-Wynyard, and West Coast.
Royal Launceston Show8 OctoberRegionalApplies to specified municipal areas.
Flinders Island Show16 OctoberRegionalFlinders Island only.
Royal Hobart Show22 OctoberRegionalApplies to all of Tasmania south of and including Oatlands and Swansea (excluding West Coast).
Recreation Day2 NovemberRegionalObserved in areas not celebrating the Royal Hobart Regatta.
Devonport Show27 NovemberRegionalMunicipal areas of Devonport, Kentish, and Latrobe.

For more information, please visit the official website.

Public Holidays and National Days in Tasmania 2026

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