Planning Your First Caravan Trip With Kids

Planning Your First Caravan Trip With Kids

Planning Your First Caravan Trip With Kids

Give your kids memories they’ll remember for life by taking them on their first RV or caravan trip. Of course, if you’ve never embarked on a caravan adventure before, let alone with kids in tow, it may seem daunting. However, with a little preparation and planning, you can ensure that your family caravan holiday is as much fun for parents as it is for kids.

Choosing the right caravan 

The first step is choosing the right caravan for your family’s needs. The type of caravan you choose will depend on the size of your family, what activities you want to do and how much time you plan to spend in the caravan. Also, buying a caravan that will be suitable for many years to come. It may seem tempting to buy a smaller one whilst your kids are little but it’s not going to be useful in the future when they’ve outgrown it. For most families, you’ll likely want to consider family caravans with bunk beds. These maximise the living space inside whilst still providing adequate sleeping space for the whole family. You can either decide to buy one new, second-hand, or even hire one. 

Planning an Itinerary 

The next step is to start planning your trip. This means deciding where you want to go and what you want to see. If you’re caravanning with young kids, it’s important to choose a destination that has plenty of activities and attractions that will keep them entertained. Also, consider the duration of your holiday when trying to factor in where you want to go. You can find some inspiration on where to go in Australia in this article. 

Choosing caravan parks 

You can find plenty of caravan parks in Australia that have kid’s clubs and other family activities. This gives you some time to relax whilst the kids are being entertained. It’s also worth checking out the amenities that each caravan park offers. Some parks have swimming pools, jumping pillows, playgrounds, and more, whilst others may just contain the bare essentials. Try to pick one park to base yourself at that is central to what you want to see and do to avoid having to pack up and unload your caravan at a new destination. 

Planning what you’ll see and do

You should also consider the distance you’re willing to travel each day. If you’re caravanning with young kids, it’s probably best to stick to one outing a day.  This could be anything from a day of exploring the local area to heading out to the beach. Plan your outings out in advance and try to get the kids involved in the decision-making process. This will help make sure everyone is happy with the final itinerary.

Preparing your caravan 

Once you’ve made your decision on where to caravan and what activities you’ll be doing, it’s time to prepare your caravan. Make sure everything is clean, check the tires are in good condition and that everything is working as it should. If you haven’t used your caravan in a while make sure you take it for service before your trip. The last thing you need is a broken-down caravan on country roads. When preparing your caravan, make sure you also prepare your tow vehicle. Carry a spare tire, check oil levels and make sure you are familiar with the towing capacity of your vehicle.

Packing your caravan 

The first thing to do when packing for your caravan trip with kids is to create a packing list. This should include everything from clothes and camping gear, to toys and games that will keep them occupied on the road. Once you have your packing list, start packing well in advance of your trip. This will help to avoid last-minute stress and ensure that you don’t forget anything important. When packing for a caravan trip with kids, it is important to pack light. This means only taking the essentials and leaving behind any unnecessary items. It can be tempting to pack everything you think you will need, but in reality, it is better to plan carefully and only take what is necessary.

Create Lifelong Family Memories

You see, with a bit of forward planning, you can easily take your kid’s caravanning and create some amazing memories that will last a lifetime. Plus, you’ll get to take the kids outdoors and help them gain valuable experience in navigating and dealing with the challenges that come with caravanning. So what are you waiting for? Get planning and enjoy the great outdoors with your family.

Categories: Road Trips