What is the date of Mother’s Day in 2025?
Mother’s Day in 2025 – Sun, May 11, 2025.
Mother’s Day is an occasion for sons and daughters to celebrate and give presents to their hardworking mums., but the changing date catches many people out make sure you check the date in advance so you can plan ahead!
Is Mother’s Day a public holiday?
No, Mother’s Day is not a public holiday. Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 11, 2025 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Australia.
How is Mother’s Day Celebrated?
Mother’s Day is an important day of the year for both mothers and kids that calls for a grand celebration. Depending upon what your mom likes, there are several fun ways to celebrate Mother’s day with her.
Mother’s Day activities and ideas may include:
- Have a nice breakfasts, brunches, lunches, afternoon teas or dinners with your mum
- Handmade gifts or cards
- Give her flowers
- Throw a surprise party
- Gift cards