Holiday Season Teeth Tips For Kids

Holiday Season Teeth Tips For Kids

Holiday Season Teeth Tips For Kids

With kids out of school, it’s very likely that kids’ll be increasing their sugar intake so maintaining an oral health routine is more important than ever!

Keep an eye out on the sugary treats!

Sugary Drinks – too much sugar will damage to our health and can cause cavities! Don’t forget even sugar-free diet sodas can erode enamel with the acidic content. While non-carbonated drinks may seem like healthy options, they are still acidic and sugary.

Candy and cookies – candy and cookies are chock full of sugar so eating them are bad for tooth health and it can cause cavities! Candies that are chewy such as sour candies, are the most damaging. Many people may think dried fruits is a healthy snack, although many dried fruits are also sticky and contain sugar. Your kids should brush their teeth with water to clean the tooth surfaces and gums after eating them!

Limit sugary food

Limit the amount of soda and chocolate that your children have! Encourage them at least to brush or rinse afterwards. Sugar free gum is also a great way to keep your kids’ mouths busy which will also help to wash the sugar away sugar!

Help your kids keep to their routine!

Traveling can make it very easy to forget regular dental routines. It is important to encourage your kids to maintain healthy routines.

Along with avoiding sugary food, it’s important to floss at least once per day! It helps to remove plaque from the areas between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach.

Talk to your family dentist to find out if your kid’s teeth start to fit tightly together and ready to begin to get them into the habit of flossing daily.

Twice a day! Brushing teeth at least twice per day to remove plaque. Ensuring your kids brush their teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes, and twice a day!

Do not use teeth as tools!

Many kids are excited to open up all of their amazing holiday gifts with their teeth. Doing this with teeth can easily crack them or in some cases it may cause even greater damage like tooth loss.

Chewing gum, sugar free!

If you are travelling, drinking lots of water can be inconvenient, if that is the case you should consider chewing gum! According to an article published on Colgate’s website, chewing promotes the production of saliva, it helps wash away food particles from around teeth and gums while neutralising the acids that cause tooth decay. Although gum sweetened with sugar can create cavities, don’t forget to go for the sugar-free gum!

Drink Lots of Water

Another really important, but yet simple thing that should be mentioned on our list of how to keep your kids’ teeth healthy during the holidays is to have them drink a lot of water!

Water is a tooth’s best friend as it encourages the flow of saliva, neutralises plaque acids as well as washes away food debris. Also as a bonus, your kids will stay hydrated!

Tips from High Street Dental – cosmetic dentistry in Penrith, NSW

Categories: School Holidays Tips