ACT school holidays and school terms 2026
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ACT school holidays and school terms 2026

ACT school holidays and school terms 2026

Get ready to plan your 2026 vacations with ACT School Holidays guide! Check the key dates below to find out when does school start and finish for each school terms in ACT in 2026.

2026 ACT School Holidays and Term Dates

Term/HolidayStart Date (Teachers)Start Date (Students)End Date
Term 1Thursday, 29 January 2026 (student-free day)New students: Friday, 30 January 2026
Continuing students: Monday, 3 February 2026
Thursday, 2 April 2026
Autumn HolidaysFriday, 3 April 2026Sunday, 19 April 2026
Term 2Monday, 20 April 2026 (student-free day)All students: Tuesday, 21 April 2026Friday, 3 July 2026
Winter HolidaysSaturday, 4 July 2026Sunday, 19 July 2026
Term 3Monday, 20 July 2026 (student-free day)All students: Tuesday, 21 July 2026Friday, 25 September 2026
Spring HolidaysSaturday, 26 September 2026Sunday, 11 October 2026
Term 4Monday, 12 October 2026 (student-free day)All students: Tuesday, 13 October 2026Friday, 18 December 2026
Summer HolidaysSaturday, 19 December 2026End date depends on 2027 term start

Bookmark this page and keep up-to-date with all the latest school holiday and term dates for ACT schools.

You can find out more on the official website.

ACT School Holidays 2026

Find school holiday activities in ACT in 2026