9 Best Sports for Your Kid to Develop Motor Skills and Coordination

9 Best Sports for Your Kid to Develop Motor Skills and Coordination

9 Best Sports for Your Kid to Develop Motor Skills and Coordination

It is the wish of every parent to see his children grow from one stage to the next till they reach adulthood. Unfortunately, not all kids go over each stage of development smoothly. Most kids at age 3 to 5 can jump, run, kick a ball and even balance on one leg. If your child struggles to develop the required balance, coordination, fine and gross motor skills, scolding won’t help. Instead, here are some sports that can help that child acquire proper coordination and the right motor skill;

Martial Arts

There are different categories of martial arts. That includes tae kwon do, karate, boxing, kickboxing among others. To a child struggling with gross motor skills, martial arts may present a real challenge at first. However, when you get a good instructor, judo, karate, and tae kwon do are easy to learn. That’s because an instructor uses structured step-by-step training. By so doing he accommodates even slow learners to grasp the skills. The various moves such as punching, jumping, and kicking are highly instrumental in motor skills development. Furthermore, the rewards at each level (belt of varying colours) also boost the kid’s confidence to press on with the learning. 

Track and Field

Despite the seeming challenge track and field seem to offer, it’s useful in enhancing motor skill development. And the best part is that you don’t need a partner to pile pressure on you. Instead, the child learns and adjusts accordingly at his own pace. Running taps on legs, arms, and other core muscles necessary for child movement. 


Basketball is yet another instrumental sport in guiding a child to master coordination and other motor skills. The sport demands running and socialising with other team members. Furthermore, dribbling and aiming at the basketball hoop trains hand-eye coordination. Hence the regular play of basketball greatly help a kid in mastering coordination and motor skills. 


Soccer is a widespread sport that benefits both adults and kids. Although it’s a teamwork sport, it helps players sharpen their vital motor skills. For instance, a defensive player’s role involves less running and more timing to kick the ball away from the goal vicinity. Such a position thus helps a child in coordination and calculating a move to tackle, block or sweep away the ball from the goal vicinity. 


Right from a tender age, dancing benefits a child. Different dancing styles engage various parts of the body. For example, rocking back and forth, jumping, and twisting. Besides the coordinated movement, it exercises muscles and thrilling for the kid. 

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is an activity that requires less movement of the rider. And so, it helps inspire confidence in a child who has problems with balancing. When the child sits on the horse’s back the feeling of lightness, ease of balancing, and the thrill of the activity encourages him to press on. 


Some sports tap heavily on a child’s gross and fine motor skills. However, swimming is different. And regular swimming help with muscle tone development and flexibility in general. Hence for a child yet to grasp fully the skills required for movement, it’s instrumental. In addition, the sport requires proper coordination of the legs, arms, and brain. 

Riding Scooters and Tricycles

Scooter riding forms a viable way for kids to perfect their gross motor skills. The act of balancing and cycling calls for the coordination of different parts of the body. And as the child dodges obstacles and goes round bends, he gets the chance to hone his motor skills further. Besides coordination, the activity helps in building endurance and rejuvenating too. 

Hopscotch Game

Hopscotch is widespread game kids enjoy. It involves every child taking a turn to hop into sketched squares on the ground. The objective is to hop successfully without stepping on the boundary lines and retrieving an object from the squares. And so it sharpens the child’s skills on balancing and coordination. You can let the child play it alone or as a group. 


Incorporating any of the above games into the child’s play helps him develop vital motor skills and coordination. However, don’t force him into any activity he doesn’t like. Make it enjoyable, where necessary join the child, and boost his confidence. 

Categories: Health and Wellbeing