15 awesome Balloon Games for Kids

15 awesome Balloon Games for Kids

Balloon Games for Kids

Are you looking for something fun to do this weekend? We have put together a big list of simple balloon games you kids will love.

15 Easy and Fun Balloon Games for kids

1. Surprise Pop

How to play: Kids need to pop the balloons filled with different presents for them
What you will need: You would need something to fill up the balloon, it could be candies or small toys

2. Make Balloon People

How to play: Let your kids to draw on the balloons with pens. They can stick things on and give them names

3. Protect Your Balloon

How to play: You will need to inflate a balloon and secure it about one meter long using a string. Then you tie it around the player’s ankle. The aim is to protect your balloon and bust other’s balloon, the one who will stand last will win the game.
What you will need: More than 5 people to play

4. Balloon Waddle Races

How to play: Draw a starting line and finish line. Have the players start at the starting line then put a balloon between their knees and race to the finsih line. If you drop or burst your balloon you will lose the game.

5. Pass the Balloon

How to play: First you need to split players into even groups and get them to stand in parallel lines, you will have to allow some space (approx. half metre apart). Give the end person an inflated balloon. When the game starts, the teams need to pass the ballon under their legs and over the next person’s legs. The fastest team to pass the balloon to the person at the front of the line will win.

6. Keep It Up

How to play: Your aim is to keep the balloon in the air and you can’t let it touch the ground.

7. Balloon and Spoon Race

How to play: This game is similar to the egg and spoon race. Kids need to balance their balloon on their spoon. The first kid makes it to the finish line is the winner. Again you cannot drop or burst your baloon, if they do they have to return to the starting point and try again.

8. Balloon Tennis

How to play: First you need to use paper plates and paddle sticks to create the tennis racquets. Blow up a balloon and play the game like tennis! You will need to hit the balloon back and forth with the plate racquets.

9. Balloon Painting

How to play: You will need to get some kid friendly paints. Blow up a few balloons and let your kids to paint the surface. There is also another way to play this game. Instead of painting balloon from the outside, you can also squeeze paint into the balloon then blow it up which allows you to create your own unique balloon.

10. Water Balloon Dodge Ball

How to play: You need to split into two teams. Each team will stay in their team area like Volleyball. Put a few water balloon at the middle. The players need to run to the central line, pick up the balloon and aiming to hit the players in the other team. If a water balloon hits a player on their body, they’re out. The game is finished as soon as one team’s players are all out.

11. Hot Potato

How to play: All players stand in a circle. The leader has the balloons. A balloon is passed from player to player around the circle until the leader blows the whistle. If you don’t have a whistle, you can also have music plays in the background. When the whistle blows or music stops, the kid holding the balloon (the hot potato) is out.

12. Water Balloon Toss

How to play: You will need to split players into two teams. Each team is then given a water balloon. Next have the teams form two straight lines, with the partners in each team are facing each other. The lines should be about 3 feet apart. When the game starts, the player who is holding the water balloon must attempt to throw it to their partner. If the balloon breaks that team is out. If the partner catches the water balloon, they keep on playing. If the balloons lands on ground (but doesn’t break) they can pick it up and continue the game. Game continues with teams tossing the water balloon to one another until there is only one team left.

13. Basket Balloon

How to play: Place the basket at one end and have all players line up at the other end. When the game starts, players need to blow their balloon. The judge will tell them if their balloon is big enough. The players tap their balloons in air and try to bat them into the basket. As soon as the balloon goes in the basket, the player need to run back and start again with another balloon. When the time limit is reach (you can set 2 to 3 minutes per game), the judge will count who has the most balloons in the basket and they will be the winners.

14. Frozen Ice Balloons

How to play: Fill the balloons with water. Add a few drops of food colouring. Tie off the ends then freeze the balloons overnight. Once they are frozen, you can cut the balloon off. You will get a beautiful crystalline orbs which you can place them around your garden.

15. Balloon Dart Board

How to play: First let the kids to paint the foam board. Now blow up 20 – 25 balloons and attach them to the board with a pin. Throw darts at the balloons to pop them.

Categories: Games