What to Do in an Accident on the Road

What to Do in an Accident on the Road

How to Handle a Car Accident in Australia

What to do if you’re in a car accident in Australia? Don’t panic! Today, we’ll walk you through the entire post-accident process, so be sure to bookmark this for future reference!

Knowing what to do after an incident can make the difference between a smooth resolution and more complicated legal proceedings.

First of all, if you are in the following situations, you should call the police immediately!

  • Injuries to individuals involved;
  • Suspected drunk or drugged driving by the other driver;
  • Severe vehicle damage or potential hazards;
  • Hit and run or refusal by the at-fault driver to provide identification;
  • Complex accident circumstances;
  • Property damage or injuries to animals.

During an emergency, every second counts. If you are involved in a serious accident, don’t hesitate to call for help. Whether you need an ambulance, the police, or even just a tow truck, it’s important to make sure that all the people and vehicles involved get the assistance they need as soon as possible.

Waiting too long can cause delays that could potentially lead to further damage or injury – so take action quickly and get the help you need. 

For minor fender benders and other minor collisions, you can follow the steps below.

Make sure everyone is safe 

When accidents happen, it can be a scary. That’s why it’s so important to prioritise safety and check on all passengers involved. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and forget to ask if everyone is okay, but taking a moment to do so can make a huge difference.

Even if everyone seems physically unharmed, it’s important to stay alert for signs of shock or anxiety. By putting safety first, you can help ensure that everyone feels supported and cared for during a potentially traumatic experience.

Move to a safe area

In any situation where there has been an accident, it’s important to move any involved vehicles away from the road as soon as possible. Not only is this a great way to keep things orderly and avoid further traffic disruption, but it can also protect you and other drivers from further damage or injury.

If the accident happened in a particularly dangerous location – such as close to an intersection – take extra caution and move the vehicles to a safer spot. This will help keep everyone involved safe while also allowing traffic to begin flowing normally again as soon as possible.

Collect evidence at the accident scene

Car accidents are unpredictable and can happen at any time. When involved in one, it’s important to gather as much information as possible for insurance and legal purposes.

One way to do this is by taking pictures of any damage done to your vehicle and the other involved in the accident. The pictures will serve as concrete evidence, helping the insurance companies determine fault and assess the damages.

Another helpful step is getting contact information from anyone who witnessed or was involved in the accident. This may include phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses.

Exchange information with the other party

After a car accident, our minds can be jumbled with fear and confusion. It may be difficult to think straight, but it is important to gather important information from those involved in the accident.

Get names, phone numbers, and insurance information so that you can make sure everyone is protected and accounted for. Don’t let the stress of the situation cloud your judgment, take a deep breath and make sure that you have all the information you need to move forward.

Remember, accidents happen, but being prepared and gathering the right information can make all the difference.

Obtain the other driver’s information: full name, address, phone number, email, and driver’s license; If the driver is not the owner of the vehicle, obtain the owner’s information from the driver;

Gather details about the other party’s vehicle: license plate number, insurance information, make/model/color of the vehicle.

If possible, you should also note down the names and contact information of any witnesses. Witnesses can testify to what they saw, helping to provide a clearer understanding of what happened. Taking these actions will help ensure a smooth claims process and resolution for all involved.

Contact your insurance company

If both parties have comprehensive insurance, one party can contact their insurance company to initiate the claims process. After obtaining a claim number, promptly inform the other party.

If fault cannot be determined:

  • Provide the relevant evidence and witness statements to the insurance companies; insurance companies and both parties’ lawyers will negotiate.
  • If negotiations fail, both parties’ lawyers may need to go to court to resolve the dispute, making it crucial to retain evidence.

Car insurance claims typically require the following information to be provided to the insurance company:

  • Identification details of the other driver (or the owner, if different), including name, contact information, and driver’s license;
  • Details of both drivers’ vehicles (license plate, make, model, color);
  • Information about the other driver’s insurance company;
  • A brief summary of the accident.

If you’re still unsure, you can also contact our professional lawyers who specialize in handling insurance claims to assist you through the entire claims process.

Seek Legal Advice 

Legal issues can be tricky to navigate, especially after an accident. If you find yourself in a situation where it’s unclear who is at fault and the cost of repairs or medical bills is in dispute, it’s best to seek legal advice from a professional.

You can consult with an insurance lawyer who specialises in road accidents can help you determine what the next steps should be and ensure that your rights are respected. This is especially important if the other party is trying to dispute the facts or accuse you of negligence. With help from a lawyer, you can make sure that your side of the story gets heard and that justice is served in a timely manner. 

After the car accident, it can be hard to think clearly. But if you can manage to stay calm—as hard as it may be—these steps after an accident enable you to take quick and prompt action. If you follow these steps, make sure everyone involved is safe and collect the deep evidence that will help any legal claim later on.

Categories: Road Trips