Easter based on Bunny and Eggs? Here is Why

Easter based on Bunny and Eggs? Here is Why

why are easter eggs and bunny

Easter Bunny is a symbol of Easter and it brings the Easter eggs! Have you ever wondered why we always talk about Bunny and Eggs on Easter? Do you know why Easter, Bunny and Eggs are related? If you don’t know the answer, keep on reading!

What do bunnies and eggs have to do with Easter? And what do they symbolise?

Although the origin is not clearly documented, many believe that rabbit was a pagan symbol that associated with fertility, spring and rebirth. In pagan traditions, rabbit is an animal associated with the goddess Eostre – a goddess of fertility whose animal symbol was a bunny.

If you are not familiar with the story of Eostre, one version of it being Eostre found a bird with frozen wings and she saved it by transforming it into a rabbit and which retained the ability to lay eggs. You can also check out the other versions of the story here.

What Do Eggs Have to Do with Easter?

Fertility and new life and its relationship to Eostre can be found throughout many cultures. Coloured eggs have been associated with the spring festivals. Easter eggs ties into the celebration because they represent new life, just as Jesus rose from the tomb. Many pagan traditions from the festival of Eostre were adopted by Christian missionaries to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, as a way to encourage conversion.

What does the Bible say about Easter Bunny or Eggs?

In fact, the Bible doesn’t say anything about Easter Bunny or Eggs. The Goddess Eostre’s celebration of spring fertility is where the eggs and bunnies come from as they are fertility symbols.


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