How do I prepare my kid for an interview?
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How do I prepare my kid for an interview?

How do I prepare my kid for an interview?

Our kid received an interview invitation from a primary school at the age of 4. We’re sure we’re not the only parents feeling anxious about this, but there’s nothing to worry about!

Here are some questions you might encounter during the pre-school interviews in Brisbane schools.

Interview questions, formats, and activities may vary, but typically include:

  • Asking the child to write their name
  • draw a picture
  • count items
  • name colours
  • recognise alphabets
  • do some math or shapes, and
  • talk about their favourite things

Parents may be asked the following questions:

  • Why did you choose this school?
  • Does the child have any hearing, vision, or developmental issues to plan for future support?
  • The child’s personality and
  • how they cope with separation.

The format is usually conversational, and school leaders understand if your child is shy.

So what’s the real purpose of school interviews?

Interviewers mentioned that no preparation is needed for the interview.

They ask the kids what they like to spend their time on, what they are curious about, and their interest in listening to stories.

If your kid is confident, they might be asked what they enjoy doing in kindergarten and to draw a picture.

If they are shy, they won’t be forced to answer but may be invited to play a friendly game. Every interview is different!

The pre-school interview process aims to help the school better support future students, so parents need not stress too much.