Benefits of yoga for children

Benefits of yoga for children

Benefits of yoga for children

It’s pretty challenging to be a kid these days. With the onslaught of social media and its  distractions, as well as peer and school pressure, it’s no wonder that our children are  showing early signs of stress and stress-related challenges. 

COVID 19 has seen an increase in home stress. Children absorb the stress of their parents  and adults around them and bring it into the home, classroom and the playground. 

Beth Borowsky, Founder of The Karma Class, believes that introducing Yoga, Breath and  Mindfulness to your family gives children tools – Life Tools – to manage stress and  challenging emotions. “These life tools build resilience and teach children how to use  mindful breath, movement and mindfulness to return to a place of calm.” 

Here she outlines the top 3 benefits of bringing yoga into your family’s life:

Top 3 benefits of yoga for children

1. Develops Body Awareness 

Yoga develops a connection between the body and mind in a calm and relaxing  environment. It builds strength and cultivates flexibility while creating an understanding of  how sitting up straight allows your internal organs to work effectively, and creates a  stronger posture. “With so much hunching over handheld devices, to collapsed in front of  the TV, these are important lessons to prevent long term spinal defects,” says Borowsky. 

2. Learn the Magic of Breath 

Understanding that there is magic that lives inside of you – your Breath – is one of the  greatest gifts we can teach our children. Mindful breath can change your energy and mood  in a matter of seconds. Just 5 deep belly breaths can change your nervous system from  overwhelm and stress, to calm and composed. And the best part is, no one needs to know  you’re doing it. 

3. Introduce Mindfulness 

Over stimulation is a growing concern and it’s imperative that we offer children  opportunities to slow down, become quiet and go inside. Guided visualisations – Imagination Vacations – bring children into the present moment, nurture self-awareness  and help them to better understand their feelings. Mindful activities bring one to the  present moment and experience what is without heightened emotion. 

Beth developed the Karma Home Cards to support families in bringing these tools easily into  the home. 

Beth is the founder of The Karma Class and is a leading expert in working with teachers and  parents to bring the gifts of Yoga, Breath and Mindfulness into every Australian home and 

classroom. Their suite of programs and products are designed to support teachers & parents  to cultivate resilience, and reduce stress and anxiety through yoga-based movement, breath  and mindfulnesss, both at home and in school.

Categories: School Holiday Activities